Phrozen Weaver is the electronic improvisation duo Phrozenlight & Son of Ohm.
Cosmic Message (2018) was their first studio album, released on CD-r & Download.
The second album Cosmic Temple was recorded live at Monoord Groningen, June 2019 (download).
A real time composition, so no conversation about what to play, just start playing and let the music write itself. No overdubs, recorded in two takes.
Phrozenlight plays synths & sequencers, Son of Ohm plays guitar, looper & synth.
Released June 11, 2019
PHROZEN WEAVER Cosmic Temple (EIGEN BEHEER)#elektronischemuziek #Ashra
Phrozen Weaver is het samenwerkingsproject van de Nederlandse elektronische muzikanten Phrozenlight en Son Of Ohm. De elektronische muziekscene varieert over het algemeen van de sterk sequencergedreven Berliner Schule tot puur ambient muziek, waarbij veel EM-muzikanten beide kanten in hun composities verwerken. Phrozen Weaver zit rechts van het midden, neigt vooral naar de ambient kant maar dan vaak wel op de Ashra-manier: veel repeterende patronen waarbij de gitaar de voortrekkersrol heeft; luister maar eens naar de tracks Devine Love en Approaching The Cosmic Temple, nummers die goed bevallen. Uiteraard komen er ook vette sequencers (Earthsphere) en pure ambient (Deep Into The Cosmic Sea) voorbij zodat er voor elk type EM-liefhebber – en dus vooral de Ashra-liefhebber – wat wils te vinden is op Cosmic Temple. En daarmee spreek ik tegelijkertijd de hoop uit dat beide mannen hun samenwerking voorlopig continueren zodat we nog meer EM-moois van hen kunnen verwachten.
André de Waal iO Pages Juli 2019
Phrozen Weaver Live at ESE 2019

Romance Between the Stars, live session.

History of Phrozen Weaver…
They did some live performances and released some albums.
In 2010 both got the idea to look for a third member to expand their sound.
So in 2011 they formed Band1971 together with Leonardo Soundweaver.
They had made some albums with free style space music, using krautrock improvisations as base, and developed their own Grunniger School.
In 2016 there was a massive crash between the two original members (esp. Phrozenlight), due some personal differences about the organisation of the Cosmic Grunn Events.
So DSM and Band1971 disappeared from the scene.
After sometime Phrozenlight and Leonard Soundweaver (aka Son of Ohm ), still having contact, decided to organize a new Event in 2018, “The Electronic Spectrum Experience”.
Because one of the guests could not perform they needed a replacement, so they decided to form a new band: Phrozen Weaver. Without no rehearsal they made a great little show that day.
Playing Live together was once again a great feeling so they decided to make it a real band with a long future….
They will try to catch up with the sound of Band1971 , which means a lot of improvisation.
Or better “Real-time composing ” as Thorsten Quaeschning says about Tangerine Dream’s live improvisation sessions. (a fitting name)
In the summer of 2018 “Phrozen Weaver” released their first real album : “Cosmic Message”.
It is released on Neu Harmony as CD-r and on Bandcamp as download.